New generations, new genetics.

Is deafness hereditary? How this has been inherited in Nekane´s family? In addition, we have tested the prevalence of the TAS2R gene in two families for transmission, as well as in a group of students and their families. Finally, we have also observed the frequency of other characteristics
Taldearen izena
New generations, new genetics.
  • Kattalin Fernandez .
  • Nekane Ugalde .
  • Malen Berrueta .
  • Sara Gonzalez .
Irakaslea / tutorea
Zorione Fundazuri Urkidi
Elorrio BHI
Lanaren eremua
  • Biologia / Geologia
Proiektu mota
Ikerketa proiektua
Proiektuaren txostena

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Ikertzaileen balorazioak

What I like about this project:

(1) The group asks very exciting and important questions, some of which are also relevant to the understanding the mechanisms of diseases;

(2) The group has performed “experimental” work being in contact with people, and exploring different characteristics and properties of the human body. This approach is very nice and very important when being a researcher;

(3) The group has analyzed many different parameters, and collected data from many persons. This is also very nice because scientific analysis always requires collection of the sufficient amount of data.

What can be improved / how the project can be further developed:

(1) If the group wants to focus on genetic parameters, it is important to make sure whether each analyzed parameter is determined solely by genetic factors or may be influenced by other factors. For example, curly hair is most likely a genetic parameter. But gap between the front teeth is not necessarily determined solely genetically; it may depend on whether the correction was performed at some moment during life time. The group should re-think each of their parameters in this way, and include only those which are likely determined genetically.

(2) The group presents the pie-charts, but they do not present any inheritance-related analysis. If they want to analyze inheritance, it would be interesting to analyze all these parameters in family members, and present the data in the same way as they do for the analysis of deafness.

(3) The authors may want to look at their analyzed parameters grouping them to the parts of the body, e.g. look at the inheritance of the parameters related to the face, then look at the inheritance of the parameters related to the hands, to the legs, etc

(4) The art of data presentation should be improved: the figures should have the same style, each figure should have a better description, etc. Keep in mind that great data presentation is always very important! If the interesting data are not presented well, the reader will lose the interest fast...

I hope, this information helps. Please, let me know if you have questions, if clarifications are required, and/or how else I can be useful :-)


Maria Kukley

Achucarro Basque Centre for Neuroscience





Congratulation on your project!

I think your project studies a very interesting topic and very important in many aspects of different biomedical disciplines including my field (Cancer and treatments). I think this could be a good basis for further studies.

You explain very well the rationale and the methodology of your study, so it was very clear to understand the aim of the project and how it has executed. I like also the idea to use the PTC test.

Next time that you are going to present a project, pay attention to the final version that you generate since in this one some graphs are covered, or it is not possible to read.


Marco Piva

Cic biogune